Sunday, December 30, 2007

A Break

Amidst the clutter of
brimming spilling thoughts
I found a half-sipped slant glass
of bitter truths
Averting my eyes
looking for a welcome distraction
that I obviously didnt find...
thanks to my obsessive
objective clean up of all other sections

I had to touch that rot...
that I had preserved long
Calling them memories and dreams
I smelt the stench and
saw the pointlessness of it all
And with the help of a
self-mocking laugh...
drank the last bit of the bitter tonic

I let the illusions of a better tomorrow
down the food pipe and out

I took the much-needed break
A break from idle ideal thoughts
a diversion from the deluded path...


Blogger Nirvanicyogi said...

Got you!! on the other side of the break
.....there was a break...but wonderful to see that the thoughts still flow..... the tonic was bitter...but yet it was had to be done now rather than waking up to to watch that Half sipped slant glass every time there is a break....

The half sipped slant glass aint there anymore....its been done for ever... maybe the bitterness still lingers on...may be its still toxic in out there.....but then hey the dilemma of choice whether to take it or not is gone
and so will the bitterness fade away..... coz spring has just creeped in...

Nice....very nice ...Nishwizz..... and hey your Protagonist is quite a tough and endearing character she is quite a star... aint she!!!

clinical dissection !!!!!clinical dissection!!! dissection always ends up in having blood on your could get messy........and more so because im not very scissor friendly...

well if its not clinical dissection...........god damm !!!! what is it dude? .................
The dude says: simple........just thoughts....thoughts.....well have you heard the term "intellective psychosis"before .................................(-:

Okay chow..

4:42 pm  
Blogger dusky hues said...

i thought i stayed away from spring for too long...
i have taken a permanent break fromn bitterness
of ourse need time to recuperrate...

i always wondered though... why poetry stemming from sorrow is sweeter... may be happiness keeps us so pre-occupioed that we have no time to jot down thoughts...

blood doesnt signify mess always...
sometimes u need to cut a thing or two out ... its fine...
and trust me sometimes pain is really addictive... so dissection is welcome...

also, the protagonist is there... u find her endearing becoz u have a lovely and beautiful perspective

9:55 pm  
Blogger Nirvanicyogi said...

Amazing...what you had to say about blood....i liked it ...
I have always found the word blood a very powerful word..aint it..
i guess it evokes a range of emotions and yeah i agree its not messy always...

for the moment here is a nice little quote..
"He who writes in blood and aphorisms does not want to be read, he wants to be learned by heart."[Friedrich Nietzsche]
...maybe the "HE" can be taken as "SHE"...
..creative freedom you see!!!:-)

hmmn..poetry stemming from bitterness is always sweeter...i guess thats the irony...we just have to deal with it...and hey wishgirl you have the poetic chords to deal with it......

Pain is addictive, it is is is is ecstacy(not the pill!!!...(-: ) is nature.. so is sports.....i can go on... i guess positive addiction maybe okay... i guess abuse is not...

Okay...i i will stop here or else you would hear the wiseman scream stop it dude..."dont bore her...leave her alone"

Hey chow..
keep the poetic oil burning!!!

1:27 am  
Blogger dusky hues said...

u force me to believe in good...
can i say i fell in love with Nietzsche's words..
u r like an encyclopedia... u have a saying for evrything..and yes u mask ur words well with the 'wise man persona'

wish to see more of ur work...
have a great year ahead...

7:20 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Keep up the good work.

6:47 am  

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