Cover Story
The cover has to be attractive.
It’s a package deal, you see.
It has to have something for everyone…
Reflecting life today(?)
The gloss is a must and
A dash of fashion too.
Do you expect people to accept bland things?
Saleability counts… not just to you
But to all from the presswallah to the paperwallah.
Its business you see.
Modeling things on exclusive helps.
Hype is a must to create enough demand.
Old maxims are dying without trace.
Whoever said “Empty vessels make more noise”,
Forgot that people are busy with multi-tasking…
So one who makes the max (right) noise
Is believed to have it all.
Cover story with proper cover design=
Increased market value.
Endorse yourself through right cover story
Or you will be last seen in some corner obituary column.
It’s a package deal, you see.
It has to have something for everyone…
Reflecting life today(?)
The gloss is a must and
A dash of fashion too.
Do you expect people to accept bland things?
Saleability counts… not just to you
But to all from the presswallah to the paperwallah.
Its business you see.
Modeling things on exclusive helps.
Hype is a must to create enough demand.
Old maxims are dying without trace.
Whoever said “Empty vessels make more noise”,
Forgot that people are busy with multi-tasking…
So one who makes the max (right) noise
Is believed to have it all.
Cover story with proper cover design=
Increased market value.
Endorse yourself through right cover story
Or you will be last seen in some corner obituary column.