Spectral Performance
Residing in a second world
Never an easy job
Gave up the world I belonged to
For second grade treatment in a second world
Mere specter walking beside you…
Noticeable to none… kept away from
Full-blood(y)ed people who matter
Being there yet not being there
Dreaming of a world
Existing only in empty space in my skull…
Claims by idealists of love without expectations
Don’t ring true when u live in a world of uncertainty
Knowing very well that two worlds will be two
It’s a helpless love… rendered helpless because
It believes in an impossible dream… an unattainable target
It expects still…
The spectral bond is felt
But no touchable tangible proof of love
No claims…
Living in a present which ends in hanged future
A specter haunted by its own image
Wanting in form… de-garbing its invisibility to the world
Desiring to be seen with you… as yours
Before life mockingly passes through
Wishing that the spectral performance ends
In a form… in a bond… a union
Where I transcend from being formless
To being safely defined in the knots of togetherness…
Visible to the world